


Generates the prior type, corresponding shape arguments, and initialization range for a prior structure in the Lightning configuration using interactive prompts. It additionally checks the prompt inputs for errors and ensures proper format.

Calling Sequence#

prior_arg = prior_interactive(param_name, param_descript, param_range, default_prior, $
                              default_prior_args, default_initialization, prior_options [, $
                              /edit, prior=prior, initialization_range=initialization_range])


param_namestring scalar

The name of the parameter associated with the prior.

param_descriptstring scalar

The description of the parameter.

param_rangeint, float, or double array(2)

The allowed range of the parameter, given in terms of [min, max].

default_priorstring scalar

The default prior type choice for the parameter.

default_prior_argsint, float, or double array(5)

The default shape arguments associated with each prior type, given in order of [fixed_value, min_bound, max_bound, normal_peak, normal_stddev].

default_initializationint, float, or double array(2)

The default initialization range of the parameter indicating the minimum and maximum bounds for the random initialization of the fitting algorithm.

prior_optionsstring array(Nprior_options)

The allowed names of the types of priors that the parameter can be set (e.g., 'uniform' or 'normal').

Optional Input#


If set, then the configuration is being edited and previous values should be given rather than defaults.


prior_argint, float, double, or string array(Narg)

The distribution shape argument array whose size depends on the chosen distribution type.

Optional Outputs#

priorstring scalar

The chosen prior distribution type.

initialization_rangedouble array(2)

The chosen initialization range of the parameter.

Modification History#

  • 2022/04/26: Created (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/05/05: Allowed for previous configuration to be printed with edit keyword (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/05/19: Allowed for linear prior inputs to be converted to log-space (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/05/31: Removed log priors (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/27: Updated documentation (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/27: Updated variable names (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/01: Added initialization range (Keith Doore)