


Generates the observed-frame SED luminosities of a given lightning model for a given set (or sets) of parameters.

Calling Sequence#

Lnu_mod = lightning_model_lnu(parameters, parameter_name, models [, sps = , sfh = , $
                              dust_model = , agn_model = , /energy_balance, /error_check, $
                              Lnu_stellar=Lnu_stellar, Lnu_unred_stellar=Lnu_unred_stellar,$
                              Lnu_unred_AGN=Lnu_unred_AGN, Lnu_AGN=Lnu_AGN, Lnu_dust=Lnu_dust, $
                              LTIR=LTIR, Lbol_AGN_model=Lbol_AGN_model, L2500=L2500, $
                              _extra = ])


parametersint, float, or double array(Nparam, Nmodels)

Parameters of the model(s). The actual parameters contained in this array depend on the chosen model(s) during configuration.

parameter_namestring array(Nparam)

The names associated with the parameters of the model(s) given in the same order as parameters.


A structure containing each model structure (stellar, dust, AGN, X-ray) as a substructure. (See for details and contents.)

Optional Inputs#

spsstring scalar

The stellar population synthesis (SPS) models to use for the stellar population. Current options are: 'PEGASE' or 'NONE'. (Default = 'PEGASE')

sfhstring scalar

The type of SFH to assume if the model is to include a stellar population. Current options are: 'NON-PARAMETRIC'. (Default = 'NON-PARAMETRIC')

dust_modelstring scalar

The dust emission model to use. Current options are: 'DL07' or 'NONE'. (Default = 'DL07')

agn_modelstring scalar

The UV-to-IR AGN emission model to use. Current options are: 'SKIRTOR' or 'NONE'. (Default = 'NONE')


If set, the total integrated IR luminosity (normalization) of the dust emission is tied to the total absorbed stellar (and, if set, AGN) emission.


If set, all inputs are checked for errors. Otherwise, all inputs are assumed to be of correct format.

L2500double array(Nmodels)

The rest-frame 2500 Angstrom monochromatic luminosity shifted to the observed frame \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\). (Used as input if using a QSOSED X-ray AGN model.)


Additional optional inputs that are passed to and


Lnu_moddouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

The model Lnu for each band of each model generated from the specified parameters \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Optional Outputs#

Lnu_stellardouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

Stellar emission component of Lnu_mod \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_unred_stellardouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

The unattenuated stellar emission for each band of each model \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_AGNdouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

AGN emission component of Lnu_mod \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_unred_AGNdouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

The unattenuated AGN emission for each band of each model \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_dustdouble array(Nfilters, Nmodels)

Dust emission component of Lnu_mod \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

LTIRdouble array(Nmodels)

The total integrated IR luminosity (i.e., the bolometric luminosity) of the dust model for each set of model parameters \([L_\odot]\).

Lbol_AGN_modeldouble array(Nmodels)

Bolometric luminosity of the AGN model \([L_\odot]\).

L2500double array(Nmodels)

The rest-frame 2500 Angstrom monochromatic luminosity shifted to the observed frame for the current AGN model or qsosed X-ray AGN model if input \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Modification History#

  • 2022/02/01: Created (Erik Monson)

  • 2022/06/08: Major update to include new implementation (e.g., prior, config, etc.) (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/27: Updated logic for LTIR to include a dust emission model (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/30: Rearranged component Lnu generation to allow for more straightforward computations (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/05: Removed config and replaced config tag calls with inputs (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/05: Added _extra to hold extra optional inputs for stellar and agn models not directly used in this function (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/05: Transposed parameters array to eliminate need to reform it after indexing. (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/22: Added optional output of unreddened Lnu_stellar (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/22: Added optional output of unreddened Lnu_AGN (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/27: Renamed unreddened Lnus to prevent ambiguous keywords (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/10/25: Renamed SPS to SSP (Keith Doore)