


Calls lower level Lightning procedures and functions to

  1. generate, check, and save the configuration file;

  2. load, check, and save the SED data;

  3. call the Lightning fitting procedure to fit each SED using the specified configuration;

  4. and post-process the fitting results.

Each call to the Lightning fitting procedure is optimized to run in parallel depending on the allowed CPU usage.

Calling Sequence#

lightning, input_file [, /resume, /interactive]


input_filestring scalar

The name (including path) to the file containing the SED fluxes and distances (or redshifts) in a data table. If the file is a FITS file, the table must be in the first extension. (See Input Formats for details, required contents and format of the data table.)

Optional Inputs#


If set, then Lightning will resume running where it left off assuming some issue caused it to stop mid-run. This means Lightning would check what SEDs have been fit and would only fit those that were not completed.


If set, then Lightning will give prompts to the command line allowing for a user to set the Lightning configuration interactively, rather than having to manually edit the configuration file.

Modification History#

  • 2022/05/04: Created (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/05/18: Rearranged input and configuration to allow for cosmology in input (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/06: Moved tabulated prior check to its own procedure (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/01: Added /silent to mrdfits (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/02: Added ASCII input to FITS file conversion (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/18: Added progress printing (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/09/01: Swapped input_dir to absolute path, and passed config to lightning_input (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/09/14: Updates to allow fitting with X-ray fluxes (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/09/16: Added check for syntax errors in user edited (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/09/26: Fixed input_dir to absolute path bug (Keith Doore)