


Generates an X-ray power law spectrum with a high energy exponential cutoff (i.e., \(L_{\nu} \propto F_{\nu} \propto E^{-\gamma + 1} e^{-E / E_{\rm cut}}\)). The spectrum is normalized by default to the monochromatic flux at 2 keV, computed in a 0.5 keV (~100 Angstrom) wide box filter.

Calling Sequence#

plaw_spec = xray_plaw_expcut(wave [, plaw_gamma = , E_cut = , normbox = ])


waveint, float or double array(Nwave)

A grid of wavelengths at which evaluate the power law spectrum \([\mu \rm m]\).

Optional Inputs#

plaw_gammaint, float or double scalar

The photon index of the power law. (Default = 1.8)

E_cutint, float or double scalar

The high energy exponential cutoff value \([{\rm keV}]\). (Default = 300)

normboxint, float or double array(2)

The lower and upper energies of a box in which to normalize the spectrum \([{\rm keV}]\). (Default = [1.75, 2.25])


plaw_specdouble array(Nwave)

The normalized power law spectrum.

Modification History#

  • 2021/03/19: Created (Erik B. Monson).

  • 2022/06/22: Added documentation (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/22: Replaced !cv with !lightning_cgs (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/22: Updated documentation and renamed variables (Keith Doore)