Convergence Metrics and Goodness of Fit Outputs#

Depending on your chosen fitting algorithm, the post-processed outputs will vary to include the relevant convergence metrics and goodness of fit outputs. Below, we give a brief description of the convergence metrics and goodness of fit outputs relevant to each fitting algorithm. (For an in-depth discussion, see our page dedicated to explaining these Convergence Metrics.) Since the MCMC algorithms use most of the same convergence metrics, we split the outputs in terms of MCMC and MPFIT outputs.


We define additional array size variables here for convenience. (See here for the already defined array size variables.)

  • Nparallel : the number of parallel walkers/chains. This value is equal to NPARALLEL in the configuration.

  • Nsolvers : the number of times MPFIT solved for the best fit SED. This value is equal to NSOLVERS in the configuration.

To help speed up the process of checking if the fitting algorithm converged for each SED, we have created flags for each convergence metric. The convergence metric flags are set to 1 if the corresponding convergence metric indicates potentially failed convergence and 0 if it indicates convergence has been reached. The following output, which is present for all algorithms, combines the convergence metric flags into a single flag for a simple check of convergence.


Logical OR of all other relevant convergence flags of each algorithm. If this flag is 0 for an SED, we can confidently say that convergence has been reached. If this flag is 1, convergence may still have been reached, but it is recommended that the flagged convergence metric(s) be inspected. (See the Convergence Metrics discussion for more details on how to determine if a convergence metric actually indicates failed convergence.)


Below, we refer to convergence having “failed” when not enough walkers, chains, or solvers reached the same solution for us to be confident that it is the best solution, or that the parameter space around the solution is well sampled.

MCMC Outputs#

ACCEPTANCE_FRACdouble array(Nparallel)

The acceptance fraction of each MCMC parallel walker/chain (i.e., the fraction of accepted trials out of the total trials).

ACCEPTANCE_FLAGdouble array(Nparallel)

A convergence flag indicating if the acceptance fraction for a given walker/chain is below 20% or larger than 50%. Convergence may have failed if the acceptance fraction is not within 20-50%.

AUTOCORR_TIMEdouble array(Nparam)

The integrated autocorrelation time of each model parameter, averaged over all the MCMC walkers/chains. Fixed parameters have a corresponding autocorrelation time of NaN.


The burn-in time estimated from the autocorrelation time:

\[{\tt BURN\_IN\_AUTOCORR} = {\rm ceiling}(2 * {\rm max}({\tt AUTOCORR\_TIME}))\]

A non-convergence flag indicating if FINAL_CHAIN_LENGTH in the configuration is greater than the number of independent samples in the MCMC chain. A short chain can occur from any combination of a long burn-in phase, over-thinning of the chain, and/or too few MCMC trials. If this flag occurs in your fits, try adjusting one or more of the NTRIALS, BURN_IN, or THIN_FACTOR configuration settings to get your desired FINAL_CHAIN_LENGTH.


The p-value for the fit as determined from a posterior predictive check (PPC). This p-value gives the goodness of fit, which can be used to reject or accept the null hypothesis that the chosen model can acceptably model the given SED. Extremely low values may indicate under-fitting of the data (i.e. the model is not sufficiently complex to produce the data), while extremely high values may indicate over-fitting (i.e. the model is too complex).

Affine-Invariant MCMC Output#

Since we only check the autocorrelation time and remove stranded walkers for the affine-invariant MCMC algorithm, these outputs are specific to the affine-invariant MCMC:

AUTOCORR_FLAGdouble array(Nparam)

A convergence flag indicating if the autocorrelation time for a given parameter is longer than the length of the chain divided by TOLERANCE (as given in the configuration). Convergence may have failed if the autocorrelation time multiplied by TOLERANCE is larger than the length of the chain.

STRANDED_FLAGdouble array(Nparallel)

A flag indicating which walkers in the ensemble were considered stranded and excluded from the post-processed chain portion. (See the Affine-Invariant MCMC description for what defines a stranded walker.)

Adaptive MCMC Outputs#

Since the Brooks-Gelman and Gelman-Rubin convergence metrics are not well-defined for the affine-invariant MCMC algorithm, these outputs are specific to the adaptive MCMC:

GELMAN_RUBIN_R_HATdouble array(Nparam)

The Gelman-Rubin convergence metric (\(\hat{R}\)) for each parameter.

GELMAN_RUBIN_FLAGint array(Nparam)

A convergence flag indicating if the square root of the Gelman-Rubin metric is greater than 1.2 for a given parameter. Convergence likely failed if the square root of the metric is larger than 1.2.


The Brooks-Gelman multidimensional convergence metric (\(\hat{R}\)).


A convergence flag indicating if the square root of the Brooks-Gelman metric is greater than 1.2. Convergence may have failed if the square root of the metric is larger than 1.2.


The number of chains use to compute the Gelman-Rubin and Brooks-Gelman metrics. Chains that got stuck in local minima are not used to compute these metrics, as they obviously did not converge. Chains are determined to be stuck in local minima if their maximum log probability is 2 less than the parallel chain with the overall maximum log probability. The value of 2 is arbitrarily chosen but equates to only having a 13.5% chance of being accepted by the MCMC sampler, which is relatively low.

MPFIT Outputs#

STATUSint array(Nsolvers)

The status code as returned by MPFIT. See the MPFIT documentation for details on each status code.

STATUS_FLAGint array(Nsolvers)

A convergence flag indicating if the corresponding MPFIT status code was less than or equal to zero, which indicates that the algorithm failed. Convergence of a solver definitely failed if its status code is less than or equal to zero.

ERROR_MSGstring array(Nsolvers)

An error or warning message as given by MPFIT. Typically only given if the algorithm failed. If no error message was given by MPFIT, this will be blank.

ITER_FRACdouble array(Nsolvers)

The fraction of the maximum iterations (MAXITER as given in the configuration) used by MPFIT to reach solution.

ITER_FLAGint array(Nsolvers)

A convergence flag indicating if the maximum number of iteration were used by MPFIT. Convergence likely failed if the maximum number of iterations were used as MPFIT was likely still searching for the solution.


The fraction of solvers that likely got stuck in local minima. Solvers are determined to be stuck in local minima if their \(\chi^2\) is 4 less than the solver with the overall minimum \(\chi^2\) (i.e., best-fit solver). The value of 4 is arbitrarily chosen.


A convergence flag indicating if the majority of solvers were considered stuck in local minima. Convergence may have failed if the majority of solvers got stuck (i.e., did not reach a similar \(\chi^2\) as the best-fit solver).

PARAMETER_VALUESdouble array(Nparam, Nsolvers)

The parameter values for all solvers whose names are given in the PARAMETER_NAMES output. Useful for comparing with Lightning’s default convergence metrics (i.e., STUCK_FRAC and SIMILAR_FLAG).

SIMILAR_FLAGint array(Nparam)

A convergence flag indicating if any parameters of non-stuck solvers had different solutions (i.e., >1% difference from best-fit solver’s parameter values). Convergence may have failed if a reasonable portion of non-stuck solvers resulted in different solutions.

NFUNC_EVALSint array(Nsolvers)

The number of evaluations performed by MPFIT.

PVALUEdouble array(Nsolvers)

The p-value for the fit as determined from a \(\chi^2\) test using the \(\chi^2\) and degrees of freedom (DOF) as given by MPFIT. This p-value gives a general goodness of fit. However, we caution against using it to reject the null hypothesis that the chosen model can acceptably model the given SED. Since the effective number of free parameters is lower than the actual number (i.e., degeneracies and covariances between parameters reduce the effectiveness), the number of degrees of freedom is likely higher than what is given by MPFIT. Therefore, this p-value can be underestimated.


The number of degrees of freedom as given by MPFIT calculated as:

\[{\tt DOF} = N_{\rm data} - N_{\rm param},\]

where \(N_{\rm data}\) is the number of data points and \(N_{\rm param}\) is the number of free parameters (excludes fixed parameters). This value will be the same for each solver, since only the starting parameter values are changed for each solver. Also, it will likely overestimate the effective degrees of freedom, since paramaters degeneracies and covariances between parameters reduce the effective degrees of freedom.