


Produces the 2-10 keV LMXB and HMXB luminosities appropriate for the stellar population(s), according to the \(L_X/M\) parametrizations with stellar age (that is, \(\tau = \log(\rm age)\)) from Gilbertson et al. (2022).

Calling Sequence#

Lnu_XRB = gilbertson22_LX_tau(stellar_models, psi [, /error_check, $
                 Lnu_LMXB_steps=Lnu_LMXB_steps, Lnu_HMXB_steps=Lnu_HMXB_steps])



A structure containing the spectra, SEDs, and stellar parameters for the non-parametric stellar model. (See for details and contents.)

psiint, float, or double array(Nsteps, Nmodels)

The non-parametric SFH coefficients \([M_\odot\ {\rm yr}^{-1}]\).

Optional Input#


If set, all inputs are checked for errors. Otherwise, all inputs are assumed to be of correct format.


Lnu_XRBdouble array(2, Nmodels)

The total LMXB (first column) and HMXB (second column) 2-10 keV luminosities \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Optional Outputs#

Lnu_LMXB_stepsdouble array(Nsteps, Nmodels)

2-10 keV Lnu from LMXBs for each stellar age bin \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_HMXB_stepsdouble array(Nsteps, Nmodels)

2-10 keV Lnu from HMXBs for each stellar age bin \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).


The parametrizations of \(\gamma = L_X / M\) as a function of stellar age are as follows:

\(\gamma(t_{\rm age}) = \gamma_{\rm HMXB}(t_{\rm age}) + \gamma_{\rm LMXB}(t_{\rm age}) = [a_0(\tau - b_0)^2 + c_0] + [a_1(\tau - b_1)^2 + c_1]\)

where \(\tau = \log_{10}(t_{\rm age})\). Gilbertson et al. (2022) has:

  • \(a_0 = -0.24 \ [{\rm erg s^{-1}\ M_\odot^{-1}}\ \log({\rm yr})^{-1}]\)

  • \(b_0 = 5.23 \ [\log({\rm yr})^{-1}]\)

  • \(c_0 = 32.54 \ [{\rm erg s^{-1}\ M_\odot^{-1}}]\)

  • \(a_1 = -1.21 \ [{\rm erg s^{-1}\ M_\odot^{-1}}\ \log({\rm yr})^{-1}]\)

  • \(b_1 = 9.32 \ [\log({\rm yr})^{-1}]\)

  • \(c_1 = 29.09 \ [{\rm erg s^{-1}\ M_\odot^{-1}}]\)


Gilbertson, W., Lehmer, B. D., Doore, K., et al. 2022, ApJ, 926, 28

Modification History#

  • 2022/04/21: Created (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/06/20: Renamed variables to common naming scheme (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/20: Replaced !cv with !lightning_cgs (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/20: Updated documentation (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/20: Added error handling (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/20: Added error_check keyword to do error handling (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/12: Removed reforming of psi if Nmodels=1 as it is not necessary (Keith Doore)