


Generates the observed-frame luminosity density of a given lightning X-ray model for a given set (or sets) of parameters.

Calling Sequence#

Lnu_xray_highres = lightning_model_lnuxray_highres(parameters, parameter_name, models [, Lbol_AGN_model = ,$
                                              L2500 = , xray_agn_model = , agn_model = , /error_check, $
                                              /get_wave, wave=wave, Lnu_xray_stellar_highres=Lnu_xray_stellar_highres, $
                                              Lnu_xray_unabs_stellar_highres=Lnu_xray_unabs_stellar_highres, $
                                              Lnu_xray_AGN_highres=Lnu_xray_AGN_highres, $
                                              Lnu_xray_unabs_AGN_highres=Lnu_xray_unabs_AGN_highres, $


parametersint, float, or double array(Nparam, Nmodels)

Parameters of the model(s). The actual parameters contained in this array depend on the chosen model(s) during configuration.

parameter_namestring array(Nparam)

The names associated with the parameters of the model(s) given in the same order as parameters.


A structure containing each model structure (stellar, dust, AGN, X-ray) as a substructure. (See for details and contents.)

Optional Inputs#

Lbol_AGN_modeldouble array(Nmodels)

Bolometric luminosity of the AGN model \([L_\odot]\). (Required if using a power law X-ray AGN emission model.)

L2500double array(Nmodels)

The rest-frame 2500 Angstrom monochromatic luminosity shifted to the observed frame \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\). (Required if using a power law X-ray AGN emission model.)

agn_modelstring scalar

The UV-to-IR AGN emission model to use. Current options are: 'SKIRTOR' or 'NONE'. (Default = 'NONE')

xray_agn_modelstring scalar

The X-ray AGN emission model to use. Current options are: 'PLAW', 'QSOSED', 'NONE'. (Default = 'QSOSED')


If set, all inputs are checked for errors. Otherwise, all inputs are assumed to be of correct format.

waveint, float, or double array(Nwave)

The common wavelength grid of the spectra \([\mu \rm m]\).


If set, the function returns a value of -1 after generating the default wavelength grid. This is useful when one wants to get the default wavelength grid without computing any high resolution spectra.


Lnu_xray_highresdouble array(Nwave, Nmodels)

The total, high resolution X-ray spectral model, after absorption (intrinsic and Galactic), calculated on a common wavelength grid for each set of parameters \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Optional Outputs#

wavedouble array(Nwave)

The common wavelength grid of the spectra \([\mu \rm m]\).

Lnu_xray_stellar_highresdouble array(Nwave, Nmodels)

Stellar emission component of Lnu_xray_highres \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_xray_unabs_stellar_highresdouble array(Nwave, Nmodels)

Intrinsic high resolution stellar X-ray spectral model calculated on a common wavelength grid for each set of parameters \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_xray_AGN_highresdouble array(Nwave, Nmodels)

AGN emission component of Lnu_xray_highres \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_xray_unabs_AGN_highresdouble array(Nwave, Nmodels)

Intrinsic high resolution AGN X-ray spectral model calculated on a common wavelength grid for each set of parameters \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Lnu_xray_moddouble array(Nbands)

The mean luminosity calculated from Lnu_xray_highres using each of the X-ray bandpasses \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

Modification History#

  • 2022/07/25: Created (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/07/25: Renamed variables to match common naming scheme (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/25: Added error handling with error_check keyword (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/07/27: Added fixed observed-frame wavelength grid (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/11: Renamed function to match function naming scheme (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/09/08: Allow user-specified arbitary wavelength grid (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/11/02: Galactic NH is now in units of 1e20 cm-2 (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/12/13: Fixed bug in wave error check (Keith Doore)