


Reads in the SED data that is to be fit by Lightning from an ASCII file. The read-in data is then placed in a formatted structure and saved to the first extension of a FITS file with the same name as the input file.

Calling Sequence#

ascii_input_to_fits, input_file [, input_file_fits=input_file_fits]


input_filestring scalar

The name (including path) to the ASCII file containing the SED fluxes and distances (or redshifts) in a data table. (See ASCII Table Format for full details, required contents, and format of the ASCII data table.)


A FITS file (<input_file_dir>/<input_file_name>.fits) containing the SED fluxes and distances (or redshifts) as read in from the ASCII data table. (See FITS Table Format for full details and format of the FITS data table.)

Optional Output#

input_file_fitsstring scalar

The name (including path) of the output FITS file.


No error handling is performed on the data in the table as this is done with the converted FITS file data in

Modification History#

  • 2022/08/02: Created (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/09/19: Allowed for X-ray fluxes to be input (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/12/28: Fixed bug if only reading in one SED (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/12/28: Fixed bug if no x-ray data (Keith Doore)