X-ray Model Outputs#

When fitting an X-ray model, the post-processed outputs will vary depending on your input X-ray data type (i.e., counts or flux) and if you are fitting an X-ray AGN model. Below, we describe the outputs that are always included regardless of of your configuration choices. Then, we describe the outputs unique to each X-ray data type and the X-ray AGN model.


We define additional array size variables here for convenience. (See here for the already defined array size variables.)

  • Nxray : the maximum number of X-ray bandpasses for an SED included in the input

XRAY_BANDPASSdouble array(2, Nxray)

The X-ray bandpass(es) specified in the input. The first index of first dimension contains the lower energy bound, and the second index of first dimension contains the upper bound \([\rm{keV}]\).


The Galactic (i.e. Milky Way) HI column density along the line of sight specified in the input \([10^{20}\ \rm{cm}^{-2}]\).

LNU_XRAYMODdouble(Nxray, Nmodels)

The mean \(L_\nu\) produced by the model in each bandpass \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\). In the case of the MPFIT algorithm, this is the best-fitting mean \(L_\nu\) in each bandpass. In the case of the MCMC algorithms, this is the posterior distribution on the mean \(L_\nu\) in each bandpass.


The wavelength grid for the high resolution X-ray model \([\mu \rm m]\).

LNU_XRAYMOD_HIRESdouble(200, Nhighres_models)

The total high resolution X-ray luminosities produced by the model \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

LNU_XRAYMOD_STAR_HIRESdouble(200, Nhighres_models)

The stellar population (i.e., LMXB and HMXB) contribution to the total high resolution X-ray luminosities, after absorption \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

LNU_XRAYMOD_STAR_UNABS_HIRESdouble(200, Nhighres_models)

The intrinsic stellar population (i.e., LMXB and HMXB) contribution to the total high resolution X-ray luminosities, without absorption \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).


If your input X-ray data was in counts, the following outputs will be included in the post-processed file.

XRAY_EXPOSUREdouble array(Nxray)

The exposure time of each bandpass specified in the input \([\rm{s}]\).

NET_COUNTSdouble array(Nxray)

The net counts in each bandpass specified in the input \([\rm{counts}]\).

NET_COUNTS_UNCdouble array(Nxray)

The uncertainty on the net counts in each bandpass as calculated from the net counts (if XRAY_UNC = 'SQRT' or XRAY_UNC = 'GEHRELS') or as specified in the input (if XRAY_UNC = 'USER') \([\rm{counts}]\).

XRAY_COUNTS_MODdouble(Nxray, Nmodels)

The net counts produced by the model in each bandpass \([\rm{counts}]\). In the case of the MPFIT algorithm, this is the best-fitting net counts in each bandpass. In the case of the MCMC algorithms, this is the posterior distribution on the net counts in each bandpass.

LNU_XRAY_OBSdouble(Nxray, Nmodels)

The model-dependent “observed” luminosities in each bandpass as derived from the net counts in terms of \(L_\nu\) \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

LNU_XRAY_UNCdouble(Nxray, Nmodels)

The uncertainty on the model-dependent “observed” luminosities in each bandpass as derived from the net counts uncertainty \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).


If your input X-ray data was in terms of flux, the following outputs will be included in the post-processed file.


The observed X-ray luminosities converted from input X-ray flux data for each set of bandpasses:

\[L_\nu = \frac{4 \pi C (D_L)^2 F_{\nu}}{E_{\rm upper} - E_{\rm lower}},\]

where \(L_{\nu}\) is the observed X-ray luminosities \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\), \(C\) is the unit conversion constant (\(C = 1.0247 \times 10^{-2}\)), \(D_L\) is the luminosity distance \([{\rm Mpc}]\), \(F_{\nu}\) is the input flux data \([{\rm erg\ cm^{-2}\ s^{-1}}]\), \(E_{\rm upper}\) is the upper energy bound of the bandpass \([{\rm keV}]\), and \(E_{\rm lower}\) is the lower energy bound of the bandpass \([{\rm keV}]\).


The uncertainties on the observed X-ray luminosities converted from input X-ray flux uncertainties \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

X-ray AGN#

If fitting an X-ray AGN model, the following outputs will be included in the post-processed file.

LNU_XRAYMOD_AGN_HIRESdouble(200, Nhighres_models)

The AGN contribution to the total high resolution X-ray luminosities, after absorption \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

LNU_XRAYMOD_AGN_UNABS_HIRESdouble(200, Nhighres_models)

The intrinsic AGN contribution to the total high resolution X-ray luminosities, without absorption \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).