


Prints a progress bar to the screen to track the speed and progress of an iterative function in Lightning.

Calling Sequence#

lightning_print_progress, iteration, Niteration, t0 [, funcname = ]


iterationint, float, or double scalar

Number of current iteration.

Niterationint, float, or double scalar

Total number of iterations.

t0int, float, or double scalar

The overall starting system time \([\rm{s}]\). Should be the same for each iteration.

Optional Input#

funcnamestring scalar

Name of calling function that is printed in front of progress bar. (Default = 'LIGHTNING_MCMC' )


A progress bar that is printed to the screen, formatted as follows:

FUNCNAME 22%|####      | 22000/100000 | xxx.x steps/s | xxxxx.x s remaining

The elements are, in order, the argument of funcname, percentage comlete, a progress bar, iteration/Niteration, average speed, time remaining in seconds.


Overhead on this function is about 17 microseconds per iteration.

Modification History#

  • 2022/02/07: Created (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/03/26: Documentation update (Erik B. Monson)

  • 2022/06/27: Converted to procedure since no variable output (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/27: Updated variable names to be more generic (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/27: Updated from (iteration+2) to (iteration+1) (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/28: Simplified number of chunks using percentage (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/28: Removed remainder for double the speed (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/08/18: Made it so that if iteration+1 == Niteration then end with new line (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/10/24: Update to make changing values to take up a constant number of characters (Keith Doore)