


Computes the integrated autocorrelation time of an ensemble of Markov chains, a measure of how many steps it takes for the chain to forget where it started. In other words, the autocorrelation time is how many samples are needed, on average, to get an independent sample. Integrating the autocorrelation time over the entire chain is noisy. So, instead, it is integrated to the smallest index \(M\) such that \(M > C_{\rm step} \tau\).

Calling Sequence#

tau = autocorr_time(chain [, C_step =])


chainint, float, or double array(Nparam, Ntrials, Nparallel)

An ensemble of Markov chains.

Optional Input#

C_stepint, float, or double scalar

Defines how many trials of the chain are used to calculate tau, where tau is integrated to the smallest index M such that M > C_step * tau. (Default = 5)



Integrated autocorrelation time for each parameter, averaged over the number of chains. If a parameter is constant, the corresponding autocorrelation time is NaN.


The length of the chain divided by the autocorrelation time is a measurement of how many independent MCMC samples were generated. If that number is smaller than, say, a few thousand for any parameter, it may be necessary to restrict the model or run a longer chain. The autocorrelation time can also be viewed as giving us the scales for burn-in and thinning. The examples in the emcee documentation suggest discarding samples up to a few times the autocorrelation time and thinning by one-half to one times the autocorrelation time.

Ported from the autocorrelation analysis in the python package emcee. See: - - dfm/emcee

Modificiation History#

  • 2022/02/03: Created (E.B. Monson)

  • 2022/06/01: Allow tolerance to be set to 0 for silent operation. (E.B. Monson)

  • 2022/07/14: Removed tolerance input and moved outside of function, since we just want the autocorrelation time (Keith Doore)