


Linearly Interpolates the bolometric luminosity of the attenuated stellar emission from precomputed tables for the Doore et al. (2021) attenuations curves.

Calling Sequence#

steps_Lbol_abs = doore21_interp_lbol_abs_table(tauB_f, F_clump, b_to_d, $
                      rold0_ages, doore21_Lbol_abs_table [, /error_check])


tauB_fint, float, or double array(Nmodels)

The face-on optical depth in the B-band.

F_clumpint, float, or double array(Nmodels)

The clumpiness factor F.

b_to_dint, float, or double array(Nmodels)

The bulge-to-disk ratio.

rold0_agesint, float, or double array(Nsteps)

The binary parameter rold0, designating each SFH age bin as part of the young or old population when using the Doore et al. (2021) attenuation curves. A value of 0 for the corresponding age bin considers it to be part of the young population, and a value of 1 considers it to be part of the old populations (see Doore et al. 2021 for more details).


A structure giving the pre-computed table of steps_Lbol_abs for a given redshift to have energy conservation with the Doore et al. (2021) attenuation curves. (See for details and contents.)

Optional Input#


If set, all inputs are checked for errors. Otherwise, all inputs are assumed to be of correct format.


steps_Lbol_absdouble array(Nsteps, Nmodels)

The interpolated bolometric luminosity of the attenuated stellar emission for each SFH step \([L_\odot]\).


Doore, K., Eufrasio, R. T., Lehmer, B. D., et al. 2021, ApJ, 923, 26

Modification History#

  • 2022/04/15: Created (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/04/18: Added error handling (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/06/09: Added error_check keyword to do error handling (Keith Doore)