


Generates the spectra and X-ray parameters for the QSOSED model as described in Kubota & Done (2018). The spectra can include or not include Galactic absorption.

Calling Sequence#

model_agn_count_rate = qsosed_models(redshift, wave_rest, arf_interp, exp_neg_tau_xray_MW, $
                            galactic_nH, lumin_dist [, Lnu_x_agn=Lnu_x_agn, $
                            L2500=L2500, agn_mass=agn_mass, agn_logmdot=agn_logmdot])


redshiftint, float, or double scalar

The redshift of the model.

wave_restint, float or double array(Nwave)

The rest-frame wavelengths at which to interpolate the qsosed models \([\mu \rm m]\).

arf_interpdouble array(Nwave)

A grid of ARF values interpolated from the input ARF file \([{\rm cm}^2]\).

exp_neg_tau_xray_MWfloat or double array(Nwave)

The attenuation from the Milky Way to be applied to the X-ray data in terms of \(e^{-\tau}\).

galactic_nHint, float, or double scalar

Galactic, i.e. Milky Way, neutral Hydrogen column density along the line of sight \([10^{20}\ {\rm cm}^2]\).

lumin_distint, float, double scalar

The luminosity distance of the model \([{\rm Mpc}]\).


model_agn_count_ratedouble array(Nwave, Nmass, Nmdot)

Instrumental count rate density produced by qsosed model grid \([{\rm counts\ s^{-1}\ Hz^{-1}}]\).

Optional Outputs#

Lnu_x_agndouble array(Nwave, Nmass, Nmdot)

The qsosed model luminosity \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

L2500double array(Nmass, Nmdot)

The rest-frame 2500 Angstrom monochromatic luminosity shifted to the observed frame \([L_\odot\ {\rm Hz}^{-1}]\).

agn_massdouble array(Nmass, Nmdot)

The SMBH mass grid \([M_\odot]\).

agn_logmdotdouble array(Nmass, Nmdot)

The Log10 of SMBH accretion rate grid, normalized by the Eddington rate.


Kubota, A., & Done, C. 2018, MNRAS, 480, 1247

Modification History#

  • 2021/09/21: Created (Erik B. Monson).

  • 2022/06/22: Moved to separate file and documentation improved (Keith Doore).

  • 2022/06/22: Major update to include new implementation (Keith Doore)

  • 2022/11/02: Galactic NH is now in units of 1e20 cm-2 (Erik B. Monson)